Mr. Calyniuk holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Information Systems Major from University of British Columbia; he is a Chartered Accountant and was named Fellow by the B.C. Institute of Chartered Accountants (FCA) in 2009. He is a graduate of the Institute of Corporate Director’s education Program (ICD).
Mr. Calyniuk recently retired after serving for 24 years as a Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in audit, advisory and various senior global management roles. Mr. Calyniuk also is the B.C. Chapter Chair of the Canadian Institute of Corporate Directors, which fosters excellence in directors to strengthen the governance and performance of Canadian corporations and organizations.
The institute achieves this through education, certification and advocacy of best practices in governance. Mr. Calyniuk is the Past Board Chair of the BC Advanced System Institute and Co-Chair of the BC innovations Council. He is also Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Compensation and Nominating & Corporate Governance Committees.